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Friday, September 9, 2011

NH DHHS press release (09.08.11) "DHHS Issues Food Safety Advice Regarding Flooded Crops"

Public Information Office
(603) 271-4051

Publish Date:
September 8, 2011

Concord, NH - In conjunction with the NH Department of Agriculture which advised farmers to destroy or discard all crops with edible portions that have come in contact with flood waters after Tropical Storm Irene, the NH Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Division of Public Health Services is advising people with home gardens that were flooded to follow U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidance.

The FDA guidance includes the following information: “If the edible portion of a crop is exposed to flood waters, it is considered adulterated and should not enter the human food channels. There is no practical method of reconditioning the edible portion of a crop that will provide a reasonable assurance of human food safety. The FDA recommends that these crops be disposed of in a manner that ensures they are kept separate from crops that have not been flood damaged to avoid adulterating ‘clean’ crops. In addition, crops and other food commodities exposed to flood waters would not be acceptable for use in animal feed.”

Flood waters, from rivers or streams that have overflowed their banks, are likely to contain contaminants. These may come from upstream farms and rural septic systems, urban lawns and roadways, industrial sites, or overflow from municipal sewage systems and may include raw manure or feces, agricultural chemicals, heavy metals or other chemical contaminants. Microbial pathogens that could be in floodwaters include bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Situations where normal pooling of water has occurred from heavy rains, rather than flowing water, are typically not a concern.

“It is best not to take any chances with illness around contaminated food and to reduce such risk when feasible,” said Dr. José Montero, DPHS Director. “When in doubt, throw it out.”

Destroy or discard all crops with edible portions that have come into contact with flood waters.
Discarding of crops in proximity to, or exposed to, a lesser degree of flooding but where the edible portion of the crop has NOT come in contact with flood waters may need to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Grains and similar products stored in bulk can also be damaged by flood waters. These flood-damaged products should not be used for human or animal food. Fresh fruits and vegetables that have been inundated by flood waters cannot be adequately cleaned and should be destroyed.

State Agricultural Commissioner, Lorraine Merrill said, “We encourage home gardeners to utilize information resources available to them such as the University of New Hampshire’s Cooperative Extension Education Center and Info Line. Home gardeners can get tips on garden clean up and preparing the site for next year—1-877-EXT-GROW or”

For more information visit the Food and Drug Administration at, the Division of Public Health Services at, and the NH Department of Agriculture at