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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How to Design a Family Communications Plan

It is very important for you to design a family communications plan before a disaster strikes. If you become separated from your family, this communications plan will help you to reconnect with your loved ones.

Your family communications plan should include:

1) An emergency contact in your local area
2) A contact out-of-state in case the emergency affects your local contact
3) A neighborhood meeting place, where you can reunite with your family members in case you get separated.

You should write this information on a 3 x 5 card and give copies to all family members to keep with them. Make sure everyone in your family is familiar with this plan.

Please remember that during an emergency, cell phone lines can become “jammed” because of the increased amount of traffic on the airwaves. FEMA recommends that if you have trouble making phone calls, use text messaging (SMS) instead. You are much more likely to reach your family member with text messaging than over a cell phone call when the airwaves are busy.

If you do become separated from your family, another way to reconnect is using the Red Cross Safe and Well website You can register yourself as “Safe and Well” so people looking for you will know you are alive. Also, if you are searching for a loved one or friend, you can search registrants to see if they are safe and well. You may want to include the Red Cross Safe and Well website on your 3 x 5 family communications plan card.

Information for this blog post was collected from and the NH “Preparing for an Emergency: The Smart Thing to Do” brochure