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Friday, August 12, 2011

September is National Preparedness Month!

National Preparedness Month begins in September! Throughout the month, the GMPHN will be posting important information on how Monadnock residents can be prepared before a disaster strikes. The GMPHN is a National Preparedness Month Coalition Member, part of FEMA’s “Ready” initiative. According to FEMA, less than half of households in America have a family emergency plan, but 42% of people reported that they would need assistance or help during a disaster. Only 57% of people have preparedness items set aside in their homes for use during a disaster. The GMPHN encourages Monadnock residents to take the time this September to 1) make a family emergency kit, 2) make a family communication plan, and 3) make a family evacuation plan. More information is available at You can also contact the GMPHN at 603-354-6836 or by email at with the subject line “Preparedness Brochures” to receive a free packet of preparedness brochures.

If your business, organization, or agency would like to become a National Preparedness Month Coalition Member, visit It's free and takes less than 5 minutes to sign up!