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Monday, August 29, 2011

Flood Warning for Connecticut River

The following is a quote from the National Weather Service ( dated Sunday, 08-28-11

"The NWS in Taunton, MA, has issued a flood warning for the Connecticut River at North Walpole [New Hampshire] from Monday morning to Tuesday afternoon, or until the warning is cancelled. At 2:30 PM Sunday [08-28-11] the stage was 18.5 feet. Flood stage is 28.0 feet. Moderate flooding is forecast. Forecast, rise above flood stage by late tomorrow morning [08-29-11] and continue to rise to near 33.5 feet by tomorrow evening. The river will fall below flood stage by late Tuesday morning. Impact, at 35.0 feet, this is a life threatening flood event. Interests along the river from Walpole to Hinsdale will experience flooding. Should evacuations be needed, act quickly and head for higher ground. Some roadways bordering the river may become impassable. Know your alternate routes and follow detours to avoid flooded areas."

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hurricane Irene - Update 08-28-11 at 6:07 PM

The Hinsdale High School shelter has been closed as of 6:00 PM this evening 8-28-11.

There have been multiple road closures in the Monadnock region due to downed trees and power lines. For regular updates please see our Twitter feed at

The Keene evacuation order has been lifted.

Cheshire County and western Hillsborough County continue to be under a Flood Warning until 1:45 AM tomorrow morning (8-29-11). However, this flood warning has already been extended once by the National Weather Service, and could be extended again so please stay tuned to their website at

Hurricane Irene - Update 08-28-11 at 10:48 AM

The following are road closures or restricted access to roads at this time (08-28-11 at 10:48 AM):

Ralston Street in Keene (from Winchester Street to Davis Street) is closed due to storm drains being unable to drain.

NH Route 47 in Francestown (from Francestown Center to 1/2 mile from Bennington) is closed due to downed power lines.

West Hill Road in Troy has restricted access (from 400 West to the end) because trees and wires are down.

Field Road in Peterborough is closed due to trees and wires down.

Chapman Road in Keene is closed due to a tree across the road.

High Street in Peterborough (from 100 High to 341 High) is closed due to a tree across the road. No wires involved.

Route 136 in Peterborough (from Gulf Road to Burke Road) is closed due to trees and live wires being down.

NH Route 124 at the Jaffrey - Sharon line has one lane closed due to a tree down on the road.

West Shore Road in Swanzey has restricted access due to live wires on tree.

Old Dublin Road in Peterborough (from Rt 101 to Four Winds Farm Road) is closed due to wires being down.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hurricane Irene - Update 08-27-11 at 8:43 PM

There is now a shelter open at Hinsdale High School. Pets are not accepted. People coming to spend the night at the shelter should bring their own bedding.

Keene Rec Center is also open as a shelter. Pets are accepted but owners are to bring crates to put their animals in. Pets will be placed in an area separate from shelter residents.

Please continue to monitor the National Weather Service at and the National Hurricane Center at Additionally, is a good resource for information.

Hurricane Irene - Update 08-27-11 at 1:36 PM

This blog will be updated as more information becomes available.

Update as of 08-27-11 at 1:36 PM

The Keene Rec Center (312 Washington Street) will be opening as a shelter this evening Saturday August 27 at 6:00 PM in advance of Hurricane Irene impacting New Hampshire. This shelter will accept pets, but owners should bring a pet crate for their animals. Pets will be kept in an area separate from shelter residents.

According to National Weather Service officials, the storm is expected to enter New Hampshire on Sunday earlier than previously expected. Please stay tuned to for updates.

Friday, August 26, 2011

NH DHHS press release (08.26.11) "DHHS Reminds Residents of Health Precautions to Take During and After a Hurricane"


Public Information Office
(603) 271-6526
Publish Date:
August 26, 2011

Concord, NH – Hurricane Irene is heading up the Eastern seaboard and there is a good possibility it will impact New Hampshire with strong winds, heavy rain, and power outages. The New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Division of Public Health Services is urging residents to prepare and to take precautions against certain public health risks such as carbon monoxide poisoning, contaminated water, and spoiled food.

“While it is a little difficult at this point to know exactly how bad the storm will be,” said Dr. José Montero, Director of Public Health at DHHS, “people should prepare now just in case. Part of preparing should include knowing how to avoid potential hazards related to downed power lines, lack of electricity, and contaminated water.”

Carbon monoxide is an odorless and colorless gas emitted when fuels are burned, such as wood, propane, and natural gas. The more common symptoms can include dizziness, headache, blurred vision, weakness, vomiting, chest pain, nausea, and confusion. Extended exposure can result in death. If there is a power outage, do not bring outdoor cooking or heating units indoors, such as grills or portable fireplaces.

For an extended power outage, food safety is an issue. DHHS recommends taking the following steps during and after a weather emergency:
• Never taste food to determine if it is safe
• Keep the refrigerator and freezer doors closed as much as possible to maintain the cold temperature
• The refrigerator will keep food safely cold for about 4 hours if it is unopened. A full freezer will hold the temperature approximately 48 hours (24 hours if it is half full) and the door remains closed
• Food can be safely refrozen if it still contains ice crystals or is at 40°F or below
• Get block ice or dry ice to keep your refrigerator and freezer as cold as possible if the power is going to be out for an extended period of time
• Discard refrigerated perishable food such as meat, poultry, fish, soft cheeses, milk, eggs, leftovers, and deli items after 4 hours without power.

Storm water can carry sewage, chemicals, germs, and fuel. DHHS reminds people to take care and keep the following in mind in dealing with flooding:
• Avoid floodwater and flooded areas. Wear protection if you must travel through water that is part of a flood.
• If you use well water and your well has been flooded, make sure the well is tested and disinfected before using water to wash dishes, brush your teeth, wash and prepare food, wash your hands, make ice, or make baby formula
• Disinfect any items that come in contact with floodwater. Use ¼ cup of bleach per gallon of water as a disinfectant
• Remember that moisture accelerates mold growth, which can cause disease and allergic reactions. Remove standing water and wet items from indoors as soon as possible

DHHS will provide additional updates as new information becomes available. For more information on preparing for a hurricane, visit For more information about carbon monoxide safety, visit the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services’ website at: or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) at Questions about testing or disinfecting water should be directed to your local health department or to the Division of Public Health Services at 603-271-4496. For further information about food safety, visit or call the DHHS Food Protection Section at 603-271-4589.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

08/25/11 Press Release: GMPHN Urges Monadnock Residents to Prepare for Hurricane Irene


Amanda N. Gaspard, MPH
Emergency Preparedness Coordinator and Regional SNS Coordinator
Greater Monadnock Public Health Network
Office: 603-354-5454 Ext. 3030

GMPHN Urges Monadnock Residents to Prepare for Hurricane Irene

KEENE, NH, 08/25/11 — The Greater Monadnock Public Health Network is urging Monadnock residents to prepare for Hurricane Irene. All households should have a home emergency kit, a grab-and-go bag in the event you need to leave your house quickly, a family communications plan, and a family evacuation plan. It only takes a few minutes to create these plans and put together an emergency kit, but these simple actions can help save lives during a disaster. During a disaster, it can be several days before help from the state or federal government arrives, so it is very important that people are prepared to take care of themselves for the first few days.

Your home emergency kit should include one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, a three-day supply of food (canned, dried or non-perishable), a non-electric can opener, battery-powered / hand-crank / solar radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert capabilities, ABC-type fire extinguisher, flashlight (preferably hand-crank or solar), battery-powered lantern, first aid kit, whistle to signal for help, moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation, wrench or pliers to turn off utilities, etc.

Your grab-and-go bag should include items such as one day’s clothing and shoes for each family member, personal care products (toothbrush, feminine hygiene products, diapers, etc.), towels, blankets or sleeping bags, flashlights and extra batteries, granola bars/trail mix, an extra set of car keys, cash, a prepaid phone card, and copies of important documents (medical and prescription information, passports, birth certificates, driver’s license, insurance papers, bank account information, etc.). If you have to leave your home quickly, don’t forget your prescription medications, eyeglasses and/or hearing aids.

Your family communications plan should include 1) an emergency contact in your local area; 2) a contact out-of-state in case the emergency affects your local contact; and 3) a neighborhood meeting place. You should write this information on a 3 x 5 card and give copies to all family members to keep with them.

Make sure all members of your household are familiar with your family evacuation plan. Everyone should know: 1) the best exits out of your home; 2) a predetermined meeting place (either in your neighborhood or close by but out of harm’s way); 3) local radio station frequency to listen for updates; 4) a plan for pets in case you need to evacuate, and 5) the location of your grab-and-go bag, family communications plan, first aid kit, etc.

For more information about how to be prepared before a disaster and additional items to include in your emergency kit, please visit To learn what to do before, during and after a hurricane, visit The National Weather Service website at will provide up-to-date information about Hurricane Irene. Visit for more information on how to prepare for your pets during an emergency and to download a Community Pet Preparedness Toolkit.

For regional updates, visit the GMPHN’s social media sites:

The Greater Monadnock Public Health Network is one of 15 public health networks in New Hampshire. It is housed by Cheshire Medical Center / Dartmouth-Hitchcock Keene and is financed through Cheshire County via a grant by the New Hampshire Department of Health & Human Services, Division of Public Health Services, with funds provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

After the September 11th attacks, state and local officials realized the need for a more robust public health system in New Hampshire. The public health networks strive to enhance and improve public health-related services by increasing collaboration and planning across municipal boundaries and the health and safety sectors. The Greater Monadnock Public Health Network consists of representatives from each of the 33 municipalities in the Monadnock region as well as representatives from regional organizations which provide for the public’s health and safety.

For more information contact Amanda Gaspard at or 603-354-5454 Ext. 3030.

   END – 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Earthquake Highlights Need for Individual Preparedness

Yesterday's earthquake showed that disasters can strike anywhere, anytime. Are you prepared for an emergency? Do you have an emergency kit, a family communication plan, and a family evacuation plan? For more information on how to create a kit and make plans for you and your family, please visit If you have pets, you should also consider making a plan for them. Visit for more info on how to prepare for your pets during an emergency and to download a Community Pet Preparedness Toolkit.

Do you know what to do during an earthquake? FEMA's page on earthquakes has valuable information on what to do before, during, and after an earthquake. The U.S. Geological Survey's website also has up-to-date information about earthquakes around the world, as well as how to prepare for a quake. You can also report an earthquake you felt to the USGS via their website.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

08/16/2011 Press Release: Greater Monadnock Public Health Network Launches Blog


Amanda N. Gaspard, MPH
Emergency Preparedness Coordinator and Regional SNS Coordinator
Greater Monadnock Public Health Network
Office: 603-354-5454 Ext. 3030

Greater Monadnock Public Health Network Launches Blog

KEENE, NH, 08/16/11 — The Greater Monadnock Public Health Network recently launched a blog as an additional strategy to increase communications with the public. The link to the new blog is The GMPHN encourages community members to visit the Greater Monadnock Public Health Network blog to receive preparedness tips and public health information.

Over the past year, the Greater Monadnock Public Health Network has been improving its social media capabilities, launching a Twitter account (, a Facebook page (, and now a blog. The Greater Monadnock Public Health Network (GMPHN) will regularly post public health information and preparedness tips on all three of its social media sites. It will also utilize Facebook, Twitter, and the blog during emergencies and disasters as an additional way of communicating timely and pertinent information to the public.

The Greater Monadnock Public Health Network is one of 15 public health networks in New Hampshire. It is housed by Cheshire Medical Center / Dartmouth-Hitchcock Keene and is financed through Cheshire County via a grant by the New Hampshire Department of Health & Human Services, Division of Public Health Services, with funds provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

After the September 11th attacks, state and local officials realized the need for a more robust public health system in New Hampshire. The public health networks strive to enhance and improve public health-related services by increasing collaboration and planning across municipal boundaries and the health and safety sectors. The Greater Monadnock Public Health Network consists of representatives from each of the 33 municipalities in the Monadnock region as well as representatives from regional organizations which provide for the public’s health and safety.

For more information contact Amanda Gaspard at or 603-354-5454 Ext. 3030.

 –  END – 

Monday, August 15, 2011

Most of New Hampshire Under Flood Watch until 11 PM Tonight

Hillsborough, Belknap, Rockingham, Merrimack, Southern Carroll and Strafford Counties are under a Flood Watch until 11 PM tonight. The National Weather Service says that "widespread rainfall of 1 to 3 inches is expected across the watch area during today into this evening. However the potential exists for some areas to receive 3 to 5 inches of rain. These rainfall amounts will result in sharp rises on rivers and streams today. A few rivers may approach or even exceed bankfull where locally heavier rainfall occurs. In addition, flooding of urban and poor-drainage areas is likely."

Cheshire County is under a Hazardous Weather Outlook which according to the National Weather Service could result in "embedded periods of heavy rain. May result in some minor urban and small stream or poor-drainage flooding today."

For up-to-date information, please visit the National Weather Service's website at

Friday, August 12, 2011

September is National Preparedness Month!

National Preparedness Month begins in September! Throughout the month, the GMPHN will be posting important information on how Monadnock residents can be prepared before a disaster strikes. The GMPHN is a National Preparedness Month Coalition Member, part of FEMA’s “Ready” initiative. According to FEMA, less than half of households in America have a family emergency plan, but 42% of people reported that they would need assistance or help during a disaster. Only 57% of people have preparedness items set aside in their homes for use during a disaster. The GMPHN encourages Monadnock residents to take the time this September to 1) make a family emergency kit, 2) make a family communication plan, and 3) make a family evacuation plan. More information is available at You can also contact the GMPHN at 603-354-6836 or by email at with the subject line “Preparedness Brochures” to receive a free packet of preparedness brochures.

If your business, organization, or agency would like to become a National Preparedness Month Coalition Member, visit It's free and takes less than 5 minutes to sign up!